What is IPFS?
IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a decentralized, peer-to-peer file sharing network. Instead of relying on a centralized server, files are identified by their content (using a unique hash called a CID) and can be retrieved from any node that has a copy.
Why We Use IPFS
We use IPFS to promote censorship resistance and ensure our articles remain accessible even if a centralized server fails. By distributing content across a network of nodes, we make it harder for any single entity to control or take down the information.
How You Can Help
You can support our mission by:
- Running Your Own Node: Set up your own IPFS node. This not only helps the network but also ensures that you have direct access to content even if other nodes go offline.
- Pinning Content: Pin our article CIDs (or your own content) on your node. Pinning keeps files available on the network.
- Submitting Articles: For article submissions, you can either email your content to us or, ideally, upload your article to IPFS and send us the CID.
If you need help setting up an IPFS node, refer to the IPFS documentation for installation instructions.