Article Creation Guidelines

Why Rosebud?

In the 1941 movie classic Citizen Kane, Kane finds himself inheriting a newspaper. A man driven by principles and integrity, he's shocked to find that most news doesn't get reported with censorship and filtering only allowing a small select number of stories to make it to print.

Kane doesn't believe this is the fair and so publishes a set of principles that the paper will live by. The principles set out that the news will be honest and will not serve any special interest. The people will hear the truth, whatever it may be. Kane's dying words were Rosebud, the name of his childhood sledge which signified to him a simpler time when he was free and not caught in a world of agendas, politics and special interests.

Declaration of Principles

This service is not a news service but is inpired by Kane to be a service built on principles and integrity, serving no special interests or agendas. You, the worlds citizens are the authors, writing blog style posts on any subject. We will fight censorship, champion free speech, encourage any and all views and opinions.

How to Submit Articles

We currently accept submissions in the following ways:

  1. Email: Send your article an attachment that's ready to publish to
  2. IPFS: Upload your article to IPFS using your preferred method or, then email us the CID. We will review and pin if approved.

Once approved, articles are pinned on our IPFS node and listed here.

Note: If you'd like to help keep content online and censorship-resistant, feel free to pin any approved articles on your own IPFS node.